Cutting Out Spam

Spam emails can be extremely annoying, timewasting and can be malicious, containing viruses and malware. Our spam filters can prevent these emails with nasty attachments from ever reaching the customer’s mailbox.

Our mail filtering service (mailwash) uses Barracuda servers through which our clients’ email is passed. The Barracuda is linked to other Barracudas all across the world – continually learning where spam is originating and communicating that information. The Barracuda system is a constantly learning and updating system. Customers who use it certainly appreciate the removal of the task of deleting hundreds of unwanted emails per day.

Of course, the continued development of clever ways to hide malware, or send out spam means that the Barracuda system can never be 100% effective, however, Barracuda uses algorithms and formulas to work out where spam is emanating, but at PC Net we can block unwanted emails and have the ability to whitelist any emails which get caught.

“With the Barracuda Email Security Gateway, protecting against inbound malware, spam, phishing, and Denial of Service attacks it ensures that business productivity isn’t impacted by attacks through the email system. Powerful and customizable policies enable further enforcement of detailed requirements that govern inbound email messages.”