
20 Top Excel Shortcuts

We are all in favour of things that make life easier. Far too long is spent on time-consuming activities when we need to better devote our energies elsewhere.

Here at PC Net Solutions we are aware of just how mind-boggling technical jargon can be when it comes to the IT world, and how difficult it can be for those people not involved in the everyday use of systems to get their heads around exactly what it all means.

We are here to help individuals and firms through these choppy waters and have many years of experience in the industry which we are only too pleased to pass on to our clients.

Some things are easier than others of course and as part of our 20th year celebrations we have decided to share with you a regular top 20 feature which focuses on a variety of areas.

This month we are looking at keyboard shortcut tips for using Excel. We hope you find them useful:

Alt+IC: Insert column.

Alt+IR: Insert row.

Alt+F1: Insert a chart sheet.

Ctrl+0: Hide columns.

Ctrl+9: Hide rows.

Ctrl+F10: Maximize or restore window.

Ctrl+F9: Minimize workbook.

Shift+Ctrl+9: Unhide rows.

Shift+F10: Display shortcut menu.

Shift+ctrl+F: Font drop down list.

Shift+ctrl+P: Point size drop down list.

Shift+HOME: Select to beginning of row.

Shift+END: Select to last used cell in row.

F1: Help.

F4: Repeat last action.

F7: Spell check.

Ctrl+F: Find.

Ctrl+F12: File open.

Ctrl+[SPACE]: Select the current column.

Shift+[SPACE]: Select the current row.

How many did you know?